Friends, do you remember what a special occasion yesterday was? Not Saturday, please.
Yesterday, on 19th August, was, for me, the most precious, most awaited and the most lovable day in the year. It was
The World Photography Day
The world photography day, celebrated every day on the 19th of August is an auspicious day to celebrate the art, the skill, the talent, the hard-work and the patience that a true devoted photographer has, in his brain as well as in every inch of the body, making his work a true unparalleled masterpiece of beauty and combinations. Friends, photography is not anything that is to be learnt in classes or seminars, but, it is a thing of passion and art that person has, making him a true person, whom we know as photographers.
As for me, being a kid of 8th, photography is a passion I was born with. From the time I had a camera, even if it was the one in-built with a phone, I had been eager to take pics wherever possible. I faced many comments from the people around me. I was always and will always be a topper in science. People say science is your destined future, but I always wanted to do what I was passionate about. It was, photography and novel and poem writing.
So, friends today is your time to do what your heart says.
All the best,
Jishnu Ratneshwar